Memories from Freiberg. I am in Riga already....

Memories from Freiberg. I am in Riga already. Need to get back to work from this sweet trip. But i cannot stop looking at these pictures and much more happier than 4 days ago. //воспоминания из Фрайберга. Очень милый город. А я уже в Риге и жду обратного автобуса домой . Даже Свин грустит со мной,что мы так скоро возвращаемся домой. Но с нами фотографии и немного больше счастья,чем прежде.
Memories from Freiberg. I am in Riga already. Need to get back to work from this sweet trip. But i cant stop looking at these pictures and much more happier than 4 days ago. // memories from Freiberg. Very nice city. And I am already in Riga and waiting for the return bus home. Even Pig is sad with me that we are returning home so soon. But with us photos and a little more happiness than before.
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