Pirna was sooooo beautiful! I want to come...

Pirna was sooooo beautiful! I want to come back there again when it will be a bit warmer. We were freezing like two mammoths ????100% worth going there/ Пирна и близлежащий нац.парк потрясающе красивое место. Но ехать туда лучше в более теплое время года.чуть не вымерзли там совсем. Но ехать туда стоит 100%. Часа 3 прогулки по красивому лесу туда и обратно вам гарантированы. А в качестве награды за труды -шикарные виды на горы (очень заманчивые для скалолазов,скорее всего).
Pirna was sooooo beautiful! I want to come back again. We were freezing like two mammoths ???? 100% worth going there / Pirna and the nearby national park is a stunningly beautiful place. But it is better to go there in the warmer time of the year. They did not freeze out there at all. But going there costs 100%. Hour 3 walks in the beautiful forest there and back are guaranteed. And as a reward for his work, the magnificent views of the mountains (very attractive for climbers, most likely).
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