Я была бы рада и ливню, но что ж, пусть воскресенье будет взаправдашним, а утро - зелено-велосипедным! ☀️ Кстати, про планы: уже в четверг начинается наша бодиартная возня в Австрии на #wbf2016, а с 5-ого по 27-ое августа я в Питере и даж денек в Москве, если удастся вгрузить пухлого розового Сакизо в чемодан без потерь. ///
I still think #Italy is a perfect place to live in #summer, but may be we need a bit of rain ???? it's just too hot in Europe now ☀️ In a couple of days our annual #wbf adventure will start in Austria! Looking forward to hug everybody! ???? well, and then in August i'm finally going to Russia. So exciting guys! It is sooooo exciting!
#summervibes #redhead @ Marina Di Carrara, Toscana, Italy
I still think #Italy is a perfect place to live in #summer, but may be we need a bit of rain ???? it's just too hot in Europe now ☀️ In a couple of days our annual #wbf adventure will start in Austria! Looking forward to hug everybody! ???? well, and then in August i'm finally going to Russia. So exciting guys! It is sooooo exciting!
#summervibes #redhead @ Marina Di Carrara, Toscana, Italy
Я была бы рада и ливню, но что ж, пусть воскресенье будет взаправдашним, а утро - зелено-велосипедным! ☀️ Кстати, про планы: уже в четверг начинается наша бодиартная возня в Австрии на #wbf2016, а с 5-ого по 27-ое августа я в Питере и даж денек в Москве, если удастся вгрузить пухлого розового Сакизо в чемодан без потерь. ///
I still think #Italy is a perfect place to live in #summer, but may be we need a bit of rain ???? it's just too hot in Europe now ☀️ In a couple of days our annual #wbf adventure will start in Austria! Looking forward to hug everybody! ???? well, and then in August i'm finally going to Russia. So exciting guys! It is sooooo exciting!
#summervibes #redhead @ Marina Di Carrara, Toscana, Italy
I still think #Italy is a perfect place to live in #summer, but may be we need a bit of rain ???? it's just too hot in Europe now ☀️ In a couple of days our annual #wbf adventure will start in Austria! Looking forward to hug everybody! ???? well, and then in August i'm finally going to Russia. So exciting guys! It is sooooo exciting!
#summervibes #redhead @ Marina Di Carrara, Toscana, Italy

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