Кто в ночи наперекор здравому смыслу и съеденным булкопиццам тягал тяжести и бегал по двору, словно ужаленный, тот я. И нет, не советую. Нечем здесь гордиться, толку ноль. Просто какая-то фантастическая легкость в теле по случаю праздника.. ???????????? Мультутра всем ) В новый мир, в новый вторник! Мои покемонистые майки от designbyhumans все не никак до меня не доходят, поэтому пока ношу сомнительных девиц на пузоцентрической зоне и жду Пикачу. Обожаю мультяшек!
Good morning and buon martedi a tutti amici! Wanted to show you what i got yesterday but... Nope. Nothing. I'm still waiting for my silly pokemon tshirts from designbyhumans so here I am. Just me. And my fav pair of glasses. Saying hi ???????????? xoxo
#summervibes #redhair #redhead @ Bocca di Magra
Good morning and buon martedi a tutti amici! Wanted to show you what i got yesterday but... Nope. Nothing. I'm still waiting for my silly pokemon tshirts from designbyhumans so here I am. Just me. And my fav pair of glasses. Saying hi ???????????? xoxo
#summervibes #redhair #redhead @ Bocca di Magra
Who in the night, contrary to common sense and eaten Bulkopitsev weightlifted and ran around the yard, as if stung, that I am. And no, I do not advise. There is nothing to be proud of, zero sense. Just some kind of fantastic lightness in the body on the occasion of the holiday .. ????????????? Multutra to all) Into a new world, on a new Tuesday! My pokemon t-shirts from designbyhumans still do not reach me, so while I wear dubious girls in the puzocentric zone and wait for Pikachu. I love cartoons!
Good morning and buon martedi a tutti amici! Wanted to show you what i got yesterday but ... Nope. Nothing. I'm still waiting for my silly pokemon tshirts from designbyhumans so here I am. Just me. And my fav pair of glasses. Saying hi ????????????? xoxo
#summervibes #redhair #redhead @ Bocca di Magra
Good morning and buon martedi a tutti amici! Wanted to show you what i got yesterday but ... Nope. Nothing. I'm still waiting for my silly pokemon tshirts from designbyhumans so here I am. Just me. And my fav pair of glasses. Saying hi ????????????? xoxo
#summervibes #redhair #redhead @ Bocca di Magra

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