Как понять - близкий вам человек или нет? Нужно оказаться от него очень далеко и терпеливо ждать, как он появится. Близкий появится даже издалека... Спасибо, Рома! #ЯЛюблюТебя P.S. Обратите внимание на этот суровый ревнивый взгляд в левом верхнем углу???? How to find out who is the nearest? You need to be far away from each another, wait and watch. The nearest will appear even if he's far away... Thank you, Roma! #Iloveyou P.S. Look at these sinister eyes in the top-left corner ????
How to understand - a person close to you or not? One must be very far from him and patiently wait for him to appear. A close one will appear even from afar ... Thanks, Roma! #I love you P.S. Pay attention to this stern jealous look in the upper left corner ???? How to find out who is the nearest? You need to be far away from each another, wait and watch. The nearest will appear even if he's far away ... Thank you, Roma! #Iloveyou P.S. Look at these sinister eyes in the top-left corner ????

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