Thanks to my talented husband [id148122|Пётр Калмыков] ,...

Thanks to my talented husband [id148122|Пётр Калмыков] , - who spent a lot of time and energy to learn Chinese - I know this interesting country, its wonderful people for about 9 years.
Dear [id997085|Виктор Хао] Misha [id18365630|Миша Сяо] , Zhenya [id5480979|Цзюэ Ван] , Masha [id177827416|Мария Ли] - thank you for limitless support in any situation!

My advice:
When you admire and love a country, then travel and life become more exciting and interesting. Some of our travel photos in China

Благодаря моему талантливому мужу [id148122|Пётр Калмыков] , который потратил много сил и энергии на изучение китайского языка, - я узнала и продолжаю узнавать эту интереснейшую страну, ее замечательных людей. Дорогие Хао, Миша, Женя, Маша - спасибо вам за безграничную поддержку в любой ситуации! Когда восхищаешься и любишь страну, то и путешествия и жизнь в ней становятся увлекательнее и интереснее. Некоторые моменты из китайских путешествий.

April 2009
April 2011
April 2013
Summer 2013

Шанхай, Пекин, великая китайская стена, Ханчжоу and other beautiful places
Thanks to my talented husband [id148122 | Pyotr Kalmykov], - who spent a lot of time and energy to learn Chinese - I know this interesting country, its wonderful people for about 9 years.
Dear [id997085 | Victor Hao] Misha [id18365630 | Misha Xiao], Zhenya [id5480979 | Jue Wang], Masha [id177827416 | Maria Li] - thank you for limitless support in any situation!
My advice:
When you admire and love a country, then travel and life become more exciting and interesting. Some of our travel photos in China
Thanks to my talented husband [id148122 | Pyotr Kalmykov], who spent a lot of energy and energy learning Chinese, I recognized and continue to recognize this interesting country, its wonderful people. Dear Hao, Misha, Zhenya, Masha - thank you for the unlimited support in any situation! When you admire and love the country, then travel and life in it become more exciting and interesting. Some highlights from Chinese travel.
April 2009
 April 2011
 April 2013
 Summer 2013

 Shanghai, Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Hangzhou and other beautiful places
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