На уроках английского в гимназии дети пишут стихи....

На уроках английского в гимназии дети пишут стихи.
Обнаружил тут стихотворную работу сына.

As the time of gold falls in,
we can see: The leaves are falling!
And all the leaves are not as green,
but golden! That's paranormal!
But while everything is pretty,
the weather is just windy.
But as the leaves are falling,
as the trees are shaking
and as our life is passing,
do you really think that anyone
would be pleased with autumn?

Учительница отметила его работу и она была зачитана на весь класс.
На уроках английского в гимназии дети пишут стихи.
Обнаружил тут стихотворную работу сына.

As the time of gold falls in,
we can see: The leaves are falling!
And all the leaves are not as green,
but golden! That's paranormal!
But while everything is pretty,
the weather is just windy.
But as the leaves are falling,
as the trees are shaking
and as our life is passing,
do you really think that anyone
would be pleased with autumn?

Учительница отметила его работу и она была зачитана на весь класс.
У записи 6 лайков,
0 репостов,
109 просмотров.
Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Сергей Головачев

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