I missed these sunsets at @south50surfstation // этих...

I missed these sunsets at @south50surfstation // этих закатов очень не хватало. Место,где всегда душевно. Спонтанность и легкость на подъем -это очень весело порой. Никогда не знаешь куда тебя занесет. В планах сегодня была тренировка на скалодроме,потом еще три разных варианта дел,а в итоге. #параплан #south50 #закат @ Bolshaya Izhora, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
I missed these sunsets at @ south50surfstation // these sunsets were very lacking. A place where it is always soulful. Spontaneity and ease of recovery is a lot of fun at times. You never know where it will carry you. The plans today were training at the climbing gym, then three more different options of cases, but in the end. # paraglider # south50 # sunset @ Bolshaya Izhora, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
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