For me Dresden is the city full of...

For me Dresden is the city full of flowers and blooming trees. Everytime i walk here i feel happiness because i hear birds singing and i see army of chestnuts along streets. Lack of green zones in St.P makes me feel sad. / Дрезден -город цветущих деревьев и обильной зелени. Вчера совершила приличный марш-бросок до центра и назад. И все вокруг было покрыто зеленью,повсюду пели птицы и от этого на душе было так здорово и волнительно. Питер хорош,но малое количество зелени меня очень огорчает. #мойдругсвини
For me, I love you. Everytime i'm a bird of peace along the mountains. Lack of green zones in St.P makes me feel sad. Dresden - city of flowering trees and abundant greenery. Yesterday I made a decent march to the center and back. And everything around was covered with greenery, birds sang everywhere, and this made my soul feel so great and exciting. Peter is good, but a small amount of greens makes me very sad. # moydrugvini
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