Pillnitz is beautiful and charming place. To go...

Pillnitz is beautiful and charming place. To go there in the evening was a good idea. We were watching the sunset and listening to bagpipe playing. And everything was good. / обычно я весьма словоохотлива в описаниях поездок и мест,которые посещаю. Но сейчас нет особо времени на это и желания. Вечером добрались до Пильница. Там очаровательно. Прекрасный сад весь в цвету,ароматы кружат голову в прямом смысле слов. Пасутся лошадки и почти никого вокруг.
Pillnitz is beautiful and charming place. There is a good idea. We were watching the sunset and listening to bagpipe playing. And everything was good. / usually I am very talkative about the descriptions of trips and places I visit. But now there is not much time for this and desire. In the evening we got to Pilnitsa. There is charming. A beautiful garden full of flowers, aromas are circling in the literal sense of words. Horses graze and almost no one around.
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