Now we have two dogs. uncle and little...

Now we have two dogs. uncle and little nephew. it is so hard to stop playing with them and make yourself go to work. /теперь у нас две псины-колбасины. невозможно от них оторваться и пойти на работу. но пора,офис зовет! это дядя и мелкий племянник. Ширан и малого мама назвала Шуриком. с чем я категорически не согласна. и зову его Шариком. а вообще по документам он Ever. #цвергшнауцер #zwergschnauzer
Now we have two dogs. uncle and little nephew. make it go to work. / Now we have two dog sausages. it is impossible to break away from them and go to work. but it's time, the office is calling! This uncle and small nephew. Sheeran and small mother called Shurik. with which I strongly disagree. and call him Sharik. but generally according to the documents he is ever. # Miniature Schnauzer #zwergschnauzer
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Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Алина Юхимчук

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