when you feel like home. 8 years gone....

when you feel like home. 8 years gone. old bartenders gone. but the spirit of this place still makes me feel so happy. so many evenings were spent here years ago. I think this is the place I will keep returning to. /будто вернулся домой. за 8 прошедших лет утекло много воды. поменялись бармены,но дух этого места остается неизменным и дарит мне какое-то небывалое ощущение счастья. Очень приятно возвращаться и находить любимые места в целости. #thecelt #Ireland #Dublin
when you feel like home. 8 years gone. old bartenders gone. it makes me feel so happy. so many evenings were spent here years ago. I think this is the place I will keep returning to. / as if he returned home. over the past 8 years, much water has flowed under the bridge. bartenders have changed, but the spirit of this place remains unchanged and gives me some unprecedented feeling of happiness. Very nice to come back and find your favorite places in one piece. #thecelt #Ireland #Dublin
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