Little amanita that saw some shit... and macarons...

Little amanita that saw some shit... and macarons with two good players that went home. But I don't feel sorry for them as i do it for Colombia national football team.they were so close.../ еще на прошлой неделе с Аней увидели этот мухомор,который явно видел что-то ужасное. и макаруны с двумя прекрасными футболистами,что уже уехали домой. но мне их не так жалко,как сборную Колумбии. как они были близки к выходу в 1/4!! на самом деле хочется разобрать фото и короткие видео из Ирландии и поделиться.
It is a little bit amanita. They were so close ... / Last week, Anya saw this fly agaric, which clearly saw something terrible. and macaroons with two excellent football players that have already gone home. but I'm not as sorry for them as the Colombian team. how close they were to 1/4 !! really want to take a photo and a short video from Ireland and share.
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