Getting ready for St.Patrick's Day! We were sooo...

Getting ready for St.Patrick's Day! We were sooo nervous, but in the end everything went just right! Playing fool with Taina. /Фото с этапа подготовки к выступлению. до выхода на сцену оставалось меньше часа, адреналин зашкаливал, мы нервничали,а в итоге хорошо станцевали. мы с Тайной валяем дурака, как обычно. Спасибо @lapi_tapi за счастье снова стучать степ и Оле К. за аренду степовок. я довольна! ???????? #нарцыуанлав
Getting ready for St.Patrick's Day! We were sooo nervous, just right! Playing fool with Taina. / Photo from the stage of preparation for the performance. less than an hour left before entering the stage, adrenaline was off-scale, we were nervous, and in the end we danced well. Mystery and I play the fool, as usual. Thank you @lapi_tapi for the happiness of knocking again the step and Ole K. for renting the steps. I'm happy! ???????? # nartsyuanlav
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