Бей шаман в бубен, бей шаман в бубен...

Бей шаман в бубен, бей шаман в бубен - колокол спит.
Бей шаман в бубен, бей шаман в бубен - зови в свой скит.
Бей шаман в запад, бей шаман в север, на пределе сил.
Бей по востоку, бей и по югу, отсель уноси.
Beat the shaman in a tambourine, beat the shaman in a tambourine - the bell is sleeping.
Beat the shaman in a tambourine, beat the shaman in a tambourine - call in your skete.
Beat the shaman to the west, beat the shaman to the north, at the limit of his strength.
Bay in the east, and hit on the south, from the lake.
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