Мама с папой попросили прислать им фоток моего...

Мама с папой попросили прислать им фоток моего вечера 1ого дня 2018ого. Окей) мы с Настей пьем чай и смотрим 9,5 недель) ну чем не тёплый вечерок?!) или даже горячий...????

Mom and dad asked me to send them pictures of my evening of 1day 2018th. Okay) With Nastya we drink tea and watch 9.5 weeks) warm evening, isn't it?!) Or even hot ????

#9споловинойнедель #первоеянваря #теплыйвечер #приветмампап
#9andahalfweeks #januaryfirst #warmevening #hitomomanddad
Mom and dad were asked to send them pictures of my evening on the 1st day of 2018. Okay) Nastya and I drink tea and watch for 9.5 weeks) why is it not a warm evening ?!) or even hot ... ????

Mom and dad asked me to send them pictures of my evening of 1day 2018th. Okay) With Nastya we drink tea and watch 9.5 weeks) warm evening, isn't it ?!) Or even hot ????

# 9 half week #First of January # warm evening # hi
# 9andahalfweeks #januaryfirst #warmevening #hitomomanddad
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