Отзывы и результаты клиентов. Из последнего. И вкратце.
Бизнес профиль не веду, но похвалить ребят хочется! ????
????Марина похудела в талии за полтора месяца на 4 см
????Катя после тренировки "ловит дзен" и отдыхает от домашней рутины, переключаясь на упражнения для своего любимого тела, для любимой себя
????Ирина говорит, что молодеет на моих тренировках, заряжается и мотивируется
????Оля стала отменять остеопата за ненадобностью и влезла в старые джинсы. Через месяц.
????Люба стала расправлять плечи в течение дня, забыла про дискомфорт от диастаза и пупочной грыжи
????Елена лучше держит осанку в течение дня, чувствует лучше свое тело, стабилизацию, легче переносит день работы лекций стоя
????У Анны уже прорисовывается красиво живот "полосочками" и подтянулись все тело за две недели (даже если пропуск в тренировках был - тренированное ранее тело все быстро вспоминает)
????Екатерина только второй раз у меня была, но пишет спасибо, как хорошо ее телу и какое расслабление психоэмоциональное после тренировок.
????А от групповых Ольга получает заряд, называя его "выходом в космос".
Я каждый день благодарю вселенную за моих клиентов и за то, что шутки про "желание убивать на работе в понедельник" уже давно не про меня.
P.S.: Пишите в комменты ещё, что хочется сказать, вашу обратную связь ????
Feedback and results.
Breafly but I want to praise the guys! ????
????Marina is thinner in waist in a month and a half on 4 cm
????Kate after a workout is "catching the Zen"
????Irina says she's younger after my workouts, recharged and motivated
????Olga cancelles osteopath, as it's unnecessary and got into old jeans. In a month.
????Luba forgot about the discomfort from diastasis and umbilical hernia
????Elena keeps better posture throughout the day, standing long
????Anna has already flatter belly and feel her body toned after two weeks
????Catherine after second workout says thanks for how good she feels
????And after group class Olga feels space high)
I thank the universe every day for my clients and for the fact that jokes about "wishing to kill at work on Monday" are no longer about me.
PS: please write in the comments what you want to say more, your feedback ????
#пилатес #мотивация #персональныйтренер #фитнес #здоровье #wellness #personaltrainer #fitness #workout #motivation #health #pilates
Бизнес профиль не веду, но похвалить ребят хочется! ????
????Марина похудела в талии за полтора месяца на 4 см
????Катя после тренировки "ловит дзен" и отдыхает от домашней рутины, переключаясь на упражнения для своего любимого тела, для любимой себя
????Ирина говорит, что молодеет на моих тренировках, заряжается и мотивируется
????Оля стала отменять остеопата за ненадобностью и влезла в старые джинсы. Через месяц.
????Люба стала расправлять плечи в течение дня, забыла про дискомфорт от диастаза и пупочной грыжи
????Елена лучше держит осанку в течение дня, чувствует лучше свое тело, стабилизацию, легче переносит день работы лекций стоя
????У Анны уже прорисовывается красиво живот "полосочками" и подтянулись все тело за две недели (даже если пропуск в тренировках был - тренированное ранее тело все быстро вспоминает)
????Екатерина только второй раз у меня была, но пишет спасибо, как хорошо ее телу и какое расслабление психоэмоциональное после тренировок.
????А от групповых Ольга получает заряд, называя его "выходом в космос".
Я каждый день благодарю вселенную за моих клиентов и за то, что шутки про "желание убивать на работе в понедельник" уже давно не про меня.
P.S.: Пишите в комменты ещё, что хочется сказать, вашу обратную связь ????
Feedback and results.
Breafly but I want to praise the guys! ????
????Marina is thinner in waist in a month and a half on 4 cm
????Kate after a workout is "catching the Zen"
????Irina says she's younger after my workouts, recharged and motivated
????Olga cancelles osteopath, as it's unnecessary and got into old jeans. In a month.
????Luba forgot about the discomfort from diastasis and umbilical hernia
????Elena keeps better posture throughout the day, standing long
????Anna has already flatter belly and feel her body toned after two weeks
????Catherine after second workout says thanks for how good she feels
????And after group class Olga feels space high)
I thank the universe every day for my clients and for the fact that jokes about "wishing to kill at work on Monday" are no longer about me.
PS: please write in the comments what you want to say more, your feedback ????
#пилатес #мотивация #персональныйтренер #фитнес #здоровье #wellness #personaltrainer #fitness #workout #motivation #health #pilates
Customer reviews and results. From the last. And in a nutshell.
I don’t conduct a business profile, but I want to praise the guys! ????
???? Marina lost 4 cm in her waist for a month and a half
???? Katya after training “catches Zen” and rests from home routine, switching to exercises for her beloved body, for her beloved
???? Irina says that she’s getting younger in my training, is charging and motivated
???? Olga began to cancel the osteopath as unnecessary and got into old jeans. A month later.
???? Lyuba began to straighten her shoulders during the day, forgot about the discomfort from diastasis and umbilical hernia
???? Elena holds her posture better during the day, feels better her body, stabilizes, tolerates the day of working lectures easier
???? Anna’s belly is already beautifully drawn in “stripes” and her whole body is pulled up in two weeks (even if there was a pass in training, the previously trained body quickly remembers everything)
???? Catherine was only the second time I had, but writes thanks, how good is her body and what kind of relaxation is psycho-emotional after training.
???? And from the group Olga receives a charge, calling it "going out into space."
Every day, I thank the universe for my clients and for the fact that the jokes about "the desire to kill at work on Monday" are no longer about me.
P.S.: Write in the comments yet what I want to say, your feedback ????
Feedback and results.
Breafly but I want to praise the guys! ????
???? Marina is thinner in waist in a month and a half on 4 cm
???? Kate after a workout is "catching the Zen"
???? Irina says she's younger after my workouts, recharged and motivated
???? Olga cancelles osteopath, as it's unnecessary and got into old jeans. In a month.
???? Luba forgot about the discomfort from diastasis and umbilical hernia
???? Elena keeps better posture throughout the day, standing long
???? Anna has already flatter belly and feel her body toned after two weeks
???? Catherine after second workout says thanks for how good she feels
???? And after group class Olga feels space high)
I thank the universe every day for my clients and for the fact that jokes about "wishing to kill at work on Monday" are no longer about me.
PS: please write in the comments what you want to say more, your feedback ????
#Pilates # motivation # personal trainer # fitness # health #wellness #personaltrainer #fitness #workout #motivation #health #pilates
I don’t conduct a business profile, but I want to praise the guys! ????
???? Marina lost 4 cm in her waist for a month and a half
???? Katya after training “catches Zen” and rests from home routine, switching to exercises for her beloved body, for her beloved
???? Irina says that she’s getting younger in my training, is charging and motivated
???? Olga began to cancel the osteopath as unnecessary and got into old jeans. A month later.
???? Lyuba began to straighten her shoulders during the day, forgot about the discomfort from diastasis and umbilical hernia
???? Elena holds her posture better during the day, feels better her body, stabilizes, tolerates the day of working lectures easier
???? Anna’s belly is already beautifully drawn in “stripes” and her whole body is pulled up in two weeks (even if there was a pass in training, the previously trained body quickly remembers everything)
???? Catherine was only the second time I had, but writes thanks, how good is her body and what kind of relaxation is psycho-emotional after training.
???? And from the group Olga receives a charge, calling it "going out into space."
Every day, I thank the universe for my clients and for the fact that the jokes about "the desire to kill at work on Monday" are no longer about me.
P.S.: Write in the comments yet what I want to say, your feedback ????
Feedback and results.
Breafly but I want to praise the guys! ????
???? Marina is thinner in waist in a month and a half on 4 cm
???? Kate after a workout is "catching the Zen"
???? Irina says she's younger after my workouts, recharged and motivated
???? Olga cancelles osteopath, as it's unnecessary and got into old jeans. In a month.
???? Luba forgot about the discomfort from diastasis and umbilical hernia
???? Elena keeps better posture throughout the day, standing long
???? Anna has already flatter belly and feel her body toned after two weeks
???? Catherine after second workout says thanks for how good she feels
???? And after group class Olga feels space high)
I thank the universe every day for my clients and for the fact that jokes about "wishing to kill at work on Monday" are no longer about me.
PS: please write in the comments what you want to say more, your feedback ????
#Pilates # motivation # personal trainer # fitness # health #wellness #personaltrainer #fitness #workout #motivation #health #pilates

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