Когда нибудь в Твоей жизни появится девушка.
Твоя любимая девушка.
И однажды, лежа в одной постели ночью она спросит Тебя обо мне.
О Той, кто была...
И что ты ей скажешь?
В памяти сразу вспыхнут воспоминания, на лице появится улыбка и ты прошепчешь..-не-пов-то-ри-ма-я...Она была всегда разная. С промежутком в пару минут могла смеяться, а потом рыдать. Она умела смешить... Приходя домой она заваривала крепкий чай, как маленький котенок, зарывалась в одеяло. Она полночи могла сидеть в контакте.. В грозу И слушать. Дождь. Она без ума от роз Она пахла ванилью... такой сладкой, что ,уходя она оставляла этот запах... Истеричка. Психопатка. Но в то же время скромная и хорошая. Ненавидела ревность и постоянно ее вызывала, будто издевалась. Но она умела любить. Любить так, как еще никто и никогда. Она могла 100 раз послать меня, выгнать,сползать, рыдая, по обратной стороне двери... Тогда Твоя девушка спросит тебя, ревниво наморщив лобик: - Если она такая хорошая, то почему Вы расстались??!!
Тогда ты шумно выпустишь сигаретный дым
И чуть слышно прошепчешь: - я тупо её потерял...
Someday a girl will appear in Your life.
Your beloved girl.
And one day, lying in the same bed at night, she will ask you about me.
Oh the one who was ...
And what do you tell her?
Memories will immediately flash in your memory, a smile will appear on your face and you will whisper ..- not-so-so-ri-ma-ya ... She was always different. With an interval of a couple of minutes, she could laugh, and then sob. She knew how to make laugh ... When she came home she made strong tea, like a little kitten, buried herself in a blanket. She could sit in contact at midnight .. In a thunderstorm AND listen. Rain. She's crazy about roses. She smelled of vanilla ... so sweet that leaving she left that smell ... Hysterical. Psychopath. But at the same time, modest and good. She hated jealousy and constantly provoked her, as if she were mocking her. But she knew how to love. Love like no one else ever. She could send me 100 times, kick me out, crawl away, sobbing, on the back of the door ... Then your girlfriend will ask you, jealously wrinkling her forehead: “If she is so good, then why did you break up ?? !!”
Then you will blow cigarette smoke noisily
And whisper a little audibly: - I stupidly lost her ...
Your beloved girl.
And one day, lying in the same bed at night, she will ask you about me.
Oh the one who was ...
And what do you tell her?
Memories will immediately flash in your memory, a smile will appear on your face and you will whisper ..- not-so-so-ri-ma-ya ... She was always different. With an interval of a couple of minutes, she could laugh, and then sob. She knew how to make laugh ... When she came home she made strong tea, like a little kitten, buried herself in a blanket. She could sit in contact at midnight .. In a thunderstorm AND listen. Rain. She's crazy about roses. She smelled of vanilla ... so sweet that leaving she left that smell ... Hysterical. Psychopath. But at the same time, modest and good. She hated jealousy and constantly provoked her, as if she were mocking her. But she knew how to love. Love like no one else ever. She could send me 100 times, kick me out, crawl away, sobbing, on the back of the door ... Then your girlfriend will ask you, jealously wrinkling her forehead: “If she is so good, then why did you break up ?? !!”
Then you will blow cigarette smoke noisily
And whisper a little audibly: - I stupidly lost her ...
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