Как известно всем знатокам, в английском языке мата...

Как известно всем знатокам, в английском языке мата нет. Да и вообще, кроме как в русском его нигде нет. Монгольский? Ну, это же предок русского. Ну да, это так. Ноесть нюанс. Мата то нет, но есть сквернословие, но зовётся не ribaldry, а curses. Все эти проклятия работают точно так же как и русский мат. Если один человек хочет оскорбить другого, то он сквернословит и посылает в пешее эротическое. Реакция, в зависимости от среды обитания, бывает разная. Если пшелнах говорит подросток другому подростку, то в ответ он услышит тоже самое. Этакая шутка-прибаутка. Но если один бандит или заключённый пошлётдругого, то в ответ может получить в лицо или нож под ребро, как повезёт. И всё это не зависимо, на каком языке разговаривают люди, на русском, английском или немецком. Везде отношение к сквернословию крайне негативное … ну может кроме России. 

В той же Пиндосии, ну там где мата нет, производят фильмы, которые изобилуют сквернословием. На такие произведения ставят возрастную категорию по типу R-13, где ипишут, что в фильме присутствуют сцены насилия, сквернословия и эротические сцены. И что «дети до 16лет» к просмотру строго не следует допускать. А если фильм идёт уже в прокате по общественным каналам, то неприличные слова запикают или наложат дубляж. Ну,например, fuck дублируют как frick (фрик), shit заменяют на шут, O my God заменяют на O my Gash (о май Гашь), а Holy shit произносят как Holy cow или Holy crap. Устойчивое словосочетание Son of a bitch, проговаривают как Сановабич (ну чтоб не очень резало слух). Да, в стране, где английские корни имеют пуританское происхождение вот такие расклады. Можно показать на весь экран размозжённую голову от выстрела, но показать женскую грудь, сказать fuck или оттапырить средний палец (который заблюривают) – это уже за гранью. 

Ага, - скажут другие знатоки, в английском языке всего-то два матерных слова — fuck и shit. Через это "в английском языке все крайне убого, толком ругаться они не могут — языку богий". Да собственно что говорить то, fuck you это как чихнуть, эт практически пошёл к чёрту, а shit- чёрт побери, что тут такого? Вот только носители языка думают иначе. Для них данные слова переводятся однозначно и произносятся с целью оскорбить оппонента, поэтому и несёт негативный оттенок. Но знатокам, безусловно, понятно, что именно этими двумя словами все и ограничивается, ибо кто как не знатоки проникли в самые бездны языкознания. Им доподлинно известно, что русский язык самый богатый и словарный запас близитсяк 130 тысячам. Ну, это только потому такие фантазии, что другими языками знатоки не владеют, а откровения, что в английском более 500 тысяч слов, воспринимают как шутку. 

Но хватит теории, перейдём лучше к практической части, поупражняемся. 

Вот ряд наглядных примеров употребления слова fuck в различных ситуациях:

1.Aggression — FUCK YOU!

2.Agreement — You're fucking right.

3.Annoyance — Don't fuck with me.

4.Apathy — Who really gives a fuck, anyhow?

5.Benevolence — Don't do me any fucking favors.

6.Command — Go fuck yourself.

7.Confusion — What the fuck.

8.Denial — I didn't fucking do it. or — You ain'tfucking me.

9.Despair — Fucked again...

10.Difficulty — I can't understand this fuckingbusiness.

11.Directions — Fuck off.

12.Disbelief — How the fuck did you do that? or — UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!

13.Dismay (Resignation) — Oh, fuck it!

14.Displeasure — What the fuck is going on here?

15.Encouragement — Keep on fucking.

16.Etiquette — Pass the fucking salt.

17.Fraud — I got fucked by the car dealer.

18.Greetings — How the fuck are ya?

19.Identification — Who the fuck are you?

20.Ignorance — He's a fucking jerk.

21.Incompetence — He's a fuck-up.

22.Laziness — He's a fuck off.

23.Lost — Where the fuck are we.

24.Panic — Let's get the fuck out of here.

25.Passive (Disgust) — Fuck me.

26.Perplexity — I know fuck all about it.

27.Philosophical — Who gives a fuck?

28.Pleasure — I fucking couldn't be happier.

29.Rebellion — Fuck the world.

30.Retaliation — Up your fucking ass!

31.Suspicion — Who the fuck are you?

32.Trouble — I guess I'm fucked now.

Вот ещё немного:

-It can beused in an anatomical description- "He's a fucking asshole."

-It can beused to tell time- "It's five fucking thirty."

-It can beused in business- "How did I wind up with this fucking job?"

-It can bematernal- "Motherfucker."

-It can bepolitical- "Fuck Bill Clinton!"

А если это перевести на русский?

Вот несколько примеров использования слова fuckизвестными людьми на протяженииистории:

"Whatthe fuck was that?" — Mayor of Hiroshima

"Where did all these fucking Indians comefrom?" — General Custer

"Where the fuck is all this water comingfrom?" — Captain of the Titanic

"That's not a real fucking gun." —John Lennon

"Who's gonna fucking find out?" —Richard Nixon

"Heads are going to fucking roll." —Anne Boleyn

"Let the fucking woman drive." —Commander of Space Shuttle

"What fucking map?" —"Challenger," Mark Thatcher

"Any fucking idiot could understandthat." — Albert Einstein

"It does so fucking look like her!" —Picasso

"How the fuck did you work thatout?" — Pythagoras

"You want what on the fuckingceiling?" — Michaelangelo

"Fuck a duck." — Walt Disney

"Why?- Because its fucking there!" —Edmund Hilary

"I don't suppose its gonna fuckingrain?" — Joan of Arc

"Scattered fucking showers my ass." —Noah

А это несколько примеров употребления другогосвлова:

1.Geographicalposition — Where's that SHIT?

2.Geographicalposition 2 — At 21 o'clock, I'm leaving this SHIT.

3.Adjective— You're SHIT.

4.Quantitativeauxiliary — I work to hell and I don't get SHIT.

5.Professionalspecialization — He only makes SHIT.

6.MBA— He makes a lot of SHIT.

7.Synonymof coward — He is a piece of SHIT.

8.Admiration— Holy SHIT.

9.Question— You made shit, right?

10.Visualindicator — I can't see SHIT.

11.Specieindicator — What does this SHIT think he is?

12.Messindicator — Everything is SHIT.

13.Job— If you reading so far, it means you aren't doing SHIT.

К чему это я. Будьте вежливы, не посылаете незнакомых (да и знакомых тоже) людей непонятно куда, не понятно за чем,употребляйте слова правильно и к месту, ибо незнание не освобождает от ответственностии, возможно, последующего возмездия.
As all experts know, in the English language there is no mat. Anyway, except in Russian it’s nowhere to be found. Mongolian? Well, this is the ancestor of Russian. Well yes, it is. There is a nuance. Mate is not there, but there is foul language, but it is not called ribaldry, but curses. All these curses work just like the Russian mat. If one person wants to offend another, then he profanities and sends on foot erotic. The reaction, depending on the environment, is different. If pshlahn tells a teenager to another teenager, then in response he will hear the same thing. A kind of joke joke. But if one bandit or prisoner sends another, then in return he can get in the face or a knife under the rib, as luck would have it. And all this does not depend on what language people speak, in Russian, English or German. Everywhere the attitude to profanity is extremely negative ... well, maybe except for Russia.

In the same Pindos, where there is no obscene language, films are produced that are replete with profanity. On such works put an age category of type R-13, where they write that the film contains scenes of violence, foul language and erotic scenes. And that "children under 16 years of age" should not be allowed to view strictly. And if the film is already being rented on public channels, indecent words will be filmed or dubbed. Well, for example, fuck is duplicated as frick, shit is replaced by a jester, O my God is replaced by O my Gash (oh May Gash), and Holy shit is pronounced Holy Cow or Holy crap. The stable phrase Son of a bitch is pronounced like Sanovabich (well, so that the rumor doesn’t really hurt). Yes, in a country where English roots are of Puritan origin, these are the things. You can show the crushed head from a shot on the whole screen, but show the woman’s chest, say fuck or bulge out the middle finger (which is being blurred) - this is already beyond.

Yeah, - say other experts, in English there are only two obscene words - fuck and shit. Through this, "in English everything is extremely miserable, they really cannot curse - the language of the gods." Yes, actually what can I say, fuck you is like sneezing, it almost went to hell, and shit- damn it, what's wrong? That's just native speakers think differently. For them, these words are translated unambiguously and pronounced in order to offend the opponent, and therefore carries a negative connotation. But connoisseurs, of course, understand that it is with these two words that everything is limited, for whoever but experts have penetrated into the very abysses of linguistics. They know for sure that the Russian language is the richest and the vocabulary is close to 130 thousand. Well, this is only because of such fantasies that connoisseurs do not speak other languages, and the revelations that there are more than 500 thousand words in English are perceived as a joke.

But enough theory, let's move on to the practical part, practice.

Here are a number of illustrative examples of the use of the word fuck in various situations:

1.Aggression - FUCK YOU!

2.Agreement - You're fucking right.

3.Annoyance - Don't fuck with me.

4.Apathy - Who really gives a fuck, anyhow?

5.Benevolence - Don’t do me any fucking favors.

6.Command - Go fuck yourself.

7.Confusion - What the fuck.

8.Denial - I didn't fucking do it. or - You ain'tfucking me.

9.Despair - Fucked again ...

10.Difficulty - I can't understand this fuckingbusiness.

11.Directions - Fuck off.

12.Disbelief - How the fuck did you do that? or - UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!

13.Dismay (Resignation) - Oh, fuck it!

14.Displeasure - What the fuck is going on here?

15.Encouragement - Keep on fucking.

16.Etiquette - Pass the fucking salt.

17.Fraud - I got fucked by the car dealer.

18.Greetings - How the fuck are ya?

19.Identification - Who the fuck are you?

20.Ignorance - He's a fucking jerk.

21.Incompetence - He's a fuck-up.

22.Laziness - He's a fuck off.

23.Lost - Where the fuck are we.

24.Panic - Let's get the fuck out of here.

25.Passive (Disgust) - Fuck me.

26.Perplexity - I know fuck all about it.

27. Philosophical - Who gives a fuck?

28. Pleasure - I fucking couldn't be happier.

29. Rebellion - Fuck the world.

30.Retaliation - Up your fucking ass!

31.Suspicion - Who the fuck are you?

32.Trouble - I guess I'm fucked now.

Here are some more:

-It can beused in an anatomical description- "He's a fucking asshole."

-It can beused to tell time- "It's five fucking thirty."

-It can beused in business- "How did I wind up with this fucking job?"

-It can bematernal- "Motherfucker."

-It can bepolitical- "Fuck Bill Clinton!"

And if it is translated into Russian?

Here are some examples of famous people using the word fuck throughout history:

"Whatthe fuck was that?" - Mayor of Hiroshima

"Where did all these fucking Indians comefrom?" - General Custer

"Where the fuck is all this water comingfrom?" - Captain of the Titanic

"That's not a real fucking gun." —John Lennon

"Who's gonna fucking find out?" —Richard Nixon

"Heads are going to fucking roll." —Anne Boleyn

"Let the fucking woman drive." —Commander of Space Shuttle

"What fucking map?" - "Challenger,"
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