Александр Бейлинсон в своих воспоминаниях о семинаре Гельфанда...

Александр Бейлинсон в своих воспоминаниях о семинаре Гельфанда (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.00710v1.pdf) рассказывает о посещении Доном Загиром птичьего рынка в Москве (речь идёт, видимо, о 1987 годе):

"Once, when I visited it [птичий рынок] with Don Zagier, a bearded fellow in sheepskins tried to sell him a beautiful snow-white goose. The fellow said that he could see Don to be a true gentleman — otherwise he would not offer him the bird. He said that she would be Don’s best friend, going with him everywhere and sharing his bath. The discussion was in French".
Александр Бейлинсон в своих воспоминаниях о семинаре Гельфанда (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.00710v1.pdf) рассказывает о посещении Доном Загиром птичьего рынка в Москве (речь идёт, видимо, о 1987 годе):

"Once, when I visited it [птичий рынок] with Don Zagier, a bearded fellow in sheepskins tried to sell him a beautiful snow-white goose. The fellow said that he could see Don to be a true gentleman — otherwise he would not offer him the bird. He said that she would be Don’s best friend, going with him everywhere and sharing his bath. The discussion was in French".
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