ЧТО ТАКОЕ БАЗА? . База - это основа...


База - это основа гардероба. Обычно их от 5 до 10. Этого хватает) .
Какую вещь можно назвать базовой?.
1⃣ Вы можете носить ее снова и снова, пока она совсем не расползалась по швам.
2⃣ Она точно сочетается со всем, что уже есть в гардеробе.
3⃣ Вы практически не можете без нее жить.
4⃣ Эта вещь помогает связать весь гардероб воедино.
5⃣ Она сделана из отличного материала, который будет служить вечно)
У вас есть такие вещи?

.. What is a basic for a wardrobe? If your item can be described this way, for sure, you own a right one:
1⃣  you can wear this over and over and over again until it falls apart.
2⃣ Goes with everything you already own.
3⃣  you pretty much can’t live without it.
4⃣  Is the glue that helps you keep the rest of your wardrobe together.
5⃣  Is made of a good material that will last for a very long time.

The base is the basis of the wardrobe. Usually they are from 5 to 10. This is enough).
What thing can be called basic ?.
1⃣ You can wear it over and over until it has completely crawled at the seams.
2⃣ It is precisely combined with everything that is already in the wardrobe.
3⃣ You practically cannot live without it.
4⃣ This item helps to tie the entire wardrobe together.
5⃣ It is made of excellent material that will last forever)
Do you have such things?

.. What is a basic for a wardrobe? If your item can be described this way, for sure, you own a right one:
1⃣ you can wear this over and over and over again until it falls apart.
2⃣ Goes with everything you already own.
3⃣ you pretty much can’t live without it.
4⃣ Is the glue that helps you keep the rest of your wardrobe together.
5⃣ Is made of a good material that will last for a very long time.
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