ПОЛОСКИ. . Вертикальные полосы полнят. Конечно можно говорить...


Вертикальные полосы полнят. Конечно можно говорить о том, что важно учитывать какой они ширины, какое расстояние между ними и тд. Из практики: стройнят только полосы, у которых расстояние между линиями от 10 до 15 мм. Иллюзия сработает на жакарде, полосы расположены на таком же расстоянии, и это смотрится гармонично. Во всех остальных случаях вертикальные полосы будут полнить. .
Внимательнее надо быть тем, у кого фигура с явными выпуклостями. Ситуацию спасти может только если полосы будут падать свободно, не изгибаясь. (свободный крой/полуприлегающий силуэт).Эффект расширения немного сгладится. 
Эта иллюзия касается всех тканей с ритмичным вертикальным или горизонтальным повторяющимся рисунком. 
If you don't want go XXL, avoid #stripes.Or at least be very careful. Conventional wisdom that they make you thinner is false. From shop experience, i can tell that there is only one kind of stripes that can make a visual illusion: 1-1,5 cm between them.
There is also one #lifehack- try on a bit wider dresses, trousers or skirts (don't #oversize). It can keep you safe from broken lines.
I'm deadly sure, for some people verticat stripes are highly recommended, but in general it's really complicated.

Vertical stripes are full. Of course, we can say that it is important to consider how wide they are, what distance between them, etc. From practice: only strips are built in which the distance between the lines is from 10 to 15 mm. The illusion will work on the jacquard, the stripes are located at the same distance, and it looks harmonious. In all other cases, the vertical stripes will fill up. .
Careful should be those who have a figure with obvious bulges. The situation can be saved only if the stripes fall freely, without bending. (loose fit / semi-fit silhouette) .Extension effect will be smoothed out a bit.
This illusion applies to all fabrics with a rhythmic vertical or horizontal repeating pattern.
If you don't want go XXL, avoid # stripes.Or at least be very careful. Conventional wisdom that they make you thinner is false. From shop experience, i can tell that there is only one kind of stripes that can make a visual illusion: 1-1.5 cm between them.
There is also one # lifehack- try on a bit wider dresses, trousers or skirts (don't #oversize). It can keep you safe from broken lines.
I'm deadly sure, for some people verticat stripes are highly recommended, but in general it's really complicated.
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