SHOP TILL YOU DROP . Шоппинг и Я...

Шоппинг и Я

Мою любимые магазины:
[club51315514|@uniqlo] : насыщенные цвета, практичность и минимализм. Во мне живёт маленький и гордый японец
[club26041076|@francescodonni] : частенько можно купить красивую обувь шикарных цветов
[id340741693|@benetton] : себе купила там только кожаные леггинсы, когда это не было мейнстримом. В целом, магазин не очень попадает под мои требования, НО клиентам там всегда есть что прикупить. Вроде база, но такая сочная
@gap : но к сожалению не в РФ, качество очень отличается, особенно толстовки с логотипом
@фамилия : если вы очень терпеливы, то вам сюда) для мужчин там рай, а женский отдел - как повезет. В понедельник доп скидка по карте 7%

#мужской отдел : где как ни там искать идеальный #oversize и нормальные футболки)

А у вас кто любимчики?

My favourite shops are: uniqlo, gap, #Benetton and all men's departments. Why? These shops tick all the boxes for me: comfy, stylish, simplicity and a great potential for mix and match. I guess a little Japanese guy lives inside me and feel elated when I buy smth from Uniqlo. For some of you their stuff can be too simple but for me, it's really a great investment in my wardrobe even if it looks odd for an overwhelming majority of people)
Do you have your best places to shop?
Shopping and me

My favorite shops:
[club51315514 | @uniqlo]: rich colors, practicality and minimalism. A small and proud Japanese lives in me
[club26041076 | @francescodonni]: you can often buy beautiful shoes in chic colors
[id340741693 | @benetton]: I only bought leather leggings for myself when it was not mainstream. In general, the store does not really fit my requirements, BUT customers always have something to buy there. It seems the base, but so juicy
@gap: but unfortunately not in Russia, the quality is very different, especially logo sweatshirts
@ last name: if you are very patient, then you are here) for men there is a paradise, and the female department - how lucky. On Monday, an additional discount on a card of 7%

# men's department: no matter where you look for the perfect #oversize and normal t-shirts)

Who are your favorites?

My favorite shops are: uniqlo, gap, #Benetton and all men's departments. Why? These shops tick all the boxes for me: comfy, stylish, simplicity and a great potential for mix and match. I guess a little Japanese guy lives inside me and feel elated when I buy smth from Uniqlo. For some of you their stuff can be too simple but for me, it's really a great investment in my wardrobe even if it looks odd for an overwhelming majority of people)
Do you have your best places to shop?
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