PINK КОМБЕЗ Во всех магазинах масс-маркета можно найти...

Во всех магазинах масс-маркета можно найти #100500 комбинезонов. Они начали единично появляться ещё 2 года назад: у #zara был одним из первых цвета хаки с Микки Маусом на спине. Но массовая лихорадка началась сейчас: льняной, джинсовый, хаки, белый, с принтом и без. Свой я покупала в #promod (очень выгодное было предложение, 1200 р!).
Что делать, если хочется его купить, но желание выделяться не отпускает? Попробовать розовый цвет! Это один из немногих, который не растиражирован. Где искать? [id2764127|@topshop]
Jumpsuit is one of #musthave of this season. They started to appear 2years ago... No prices for guessing #Zara was one of the first who sold them. I got mine from #Promod. It was a good deal, just $20 for it.
So, what if you wanna buy it but don't wanna be like most of others? Opt for a pink color? Why? It is one of a few colors that is rarely used for jumpsuits in mass-market.
Check [id2764127|@topshop] !
In all stores of the mass market you can find # 100500 overalls. They began to appear singly 2 years ago: #zara was one of the first khaki with Mickey Mouse on his back. But the mass fever has begun now: linen, denim, khaki, white, with and without print. I bought mine in #promod (the offer was very advantageous, 1200 r!).
What to do if you want to buy it, but the desire to stand out does not let go? Try the pink color! This is one of the few that is not replicated. Where to looking for? [id2764127 | @topshop]
Jumpsuit is one of #musthave of this season. They started to appear 2years ago ... No prices for guessing #Zara was one of the first who sold them. I got mine from #Promod. It was a good deal, just $ 20 for it.
So, what if you wanna buy it but don't wanna be like most of others? Opt for a pink color? Why? It is one of a few colors that is rarely used for jumpsuits in mass-market.
Check [id2764127 | @topshop]!
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