"Rab said: The world was created only on...

"Rab said: The world was created only on David's account.
Samuel said: On Moses account; R. Johanan said: For the sake of the Messiah." (Санхедрин 98b)

"ибо Им создано все, что на небесах и что на земле, видимое и невидимое: престолы ли, господства ли, начальства ли, власти ли, — все Им и для Него создано" (Кол. 1:16)
"Rab said: The world was created only on David's account.
Samuel said: On Moses account; R. Johanan said: For the sake of the Messiah. "(Sanhedrin 98b)

“for He created everything that is in heaven and that on earth, visible and invisible: whether thrones, dominions, rulers, authorities, all things were created by Him and for Him” (Col. 1:16)
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