Вена и Прага, фотографии ровно пополам.
очень много реставраций к лету проводят, чистка собора Св. Стефана и реконструкция Парламента Вены, на ремонте часы Пражской ратуши
очень много реставраций к лету проводят, чистка собора Св. Стефана и реконструкция Парламента Вены, на ремонте часы Пражской ратуши
Vienna and Prague, photographs exactly in half.
A lot of restorations are carried out by the summer, the cleaning of St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the reconstruction of the Vienna Parliament, the repair of the clock of the Prague City Hall
A lot of restorations are carried out by the summer, the cleaning of St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the reconstruction of the Vienna Parliament, the repair of the clock of the Prague City Hall

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