Мой самый первый интернет провайдер. Тогда я первый раз подошла к папе, попросив: "Пап, а покажи интернет", ожидая, что это будет нечто фантастическое на уровне "матрицы". С тех пор многое изменилось :)My very first internet provider. That days I came to my father, asking "Pa, show me the internet", expecting that it would something fantastic like "matrix". Things changed alot...
My very first Internet provider. Then I went to dad for the first time, asking: "Dad, show me the Internet," expecting it to be something fantastic at the "matrix" level. Since then, a lot has changed :) My very first internet provider. That days I came to my father, asking "Pa, show me the internet", expecting that it would something fantastic like "matrix". Things changed alot ...

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