Менеджмент некоторых компаний комплектуется по принципу "кто громче,...

Менеджмент некоторых компаний комплектуется по принципу "кто громче, тот и управляет". Публику, и соответственно, акционеров, радуют менеджеры, которые харизматично выступают, заводят народ и четко выражают мысли. Менеджеров, которые говорят на низких тонах и не являются альфа-догами, уважают не так. Если смотреть на бестселлеры в плане управления, то там раскуплена куча книг Дональда Трампа, а не Билла Гейтса, хотя второй вроде как поуспешнее будет. Но интровертная натура Гейтса в комплекте с его слегка неприятным голосом публику не особо заводит.
Стоит ли понимать, что интроверту даже не стоит рассчитывать на руководящие позиции? Исследователи из Гарварда и Университета Северной Каролины попробовали обьективно оценить успехи команд, ведомых экстравертами и интровертами:
Команда самостоятельных и предприимчивых сотрудников добилась большего успеха, когда во главе команды был интроверт. Команда неинициативных и требующих микро-менеджмента сотрудников добилась большего успеха, когда ими управлял экстраверт. Команда самостоятельных и предприимчивых сотрудников, ведомых экстравертом, погрязла в борьбе за рычаги управления. Pairing an extraverted leader with a proactive team, he says, can hurt, not just hinder, the company’s effectiveness. "Once the extraverted leader responds in a less receptive way, that becomes discouraging for employees and makes them less willing to work hard," Grant states. "It may also make them less willing to share ideas in the future, which would limit creativity and innovation."

Отсюда: http://moskalyuk.name/3190
The management of some companies is completed on the principle of "who is louder, he controls." The public, and accordingly, the shareholders, are delighted by managers who act charismatically, turn on the people and clearly express their thoughts. Managers who speak low tones and are not alpha dogs are not respected that way. If you look at the bestsellers in terms of management, then heaped up a bunch of books by Donald Trump, and not Bill Gates, although the second seems to be more successful. But the introverted nature of Gates, complete with his slightly unpleasant voice, does not really turn the audience on.
Is it worth it to understand that an introvert should not even count on leadership positions? Researchers from Harvard and the University of North Carolina tried to objectively evaluate the success of teams led by extroverts and introverts:
 A team of independent and entrepreneurial employees was more successful when an introvert was at the head of the team. A team of non-initiative and micro-management employees was more successful when they were run by an extrovert. A team of independent and enterprising employees, led by an extrovert, was mired in the struggle for control levers. Pairing an extraverted leader with a proactive team, he says, can hurt, not just hinder, the company’s effectiveness. "Once the extraverted leader responds in a less receptive way, that becomes discouraging for employees and makes them less willing to work hard," Grant states. "It may also make them less willing to share ideas in the future, which would limit creativity and innovation."

From here: http://moskalyuk.name/3190
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