It was such a nice and long day...

It was such a nice and long day :) but this morning picture fully describes my fillings. Life is good! Thank you for being with Taglit today :) долгий и классный день! И шарики летящие в небо, такие израильские и радостные - как мой день, полный солдат и встреч :) спасибо, что были с Таглитом сегодня! И, да, тексты не идентичны...
It was such a nice and long day :) but this morning picture fully describes my fillings. Life is good! Thank you for being with Taglit today :) a long and cool day! And the balls flying into the sky, so Israeli and joyful - like my day, full of soldiers and meetings :) thanks for being with Taglit today! And, yes, the texts are not identical ...
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