1Пет. 2:24 Он грехи наши Сам вознес телом Своим на древо, дабы мы, избавившись от грехов, жили для правды: ранами Его вы исцелились.
Матф. 8:17 да сбудется реченное через пророка Исаию, который говорит: Он взял на Себя наши немощи и понес болезни.
Ис. 53:1-5
1 Кто поверил слышанному от нас и кому открылась мышца Господня?
2 Ибо Он взошел пред Ним, как отпрыск и как росток из сухой земли; нет в Нем ни вида, ни величия; и мы видели Его, и не было в Нем вида, который привлекал бы нас к Нему.
3 Он был презрен и умален пред людьми, муж скорбей и изведавший болезни, и мы отвращали от Него лице свое; Он был презираем, и мы ни во что ставили Его.
4 Но Он взял на Себя наши немощи и понес наши болезни; а мы думали, [что] Он был поражаем, наказуем и уничижен Богом.
5 Но Он изъязвлен был за грехи наши и мучим за беззакония наши; наказание мира нашего [было] на Нем, и ранами Его мы исцелились.
Евангелие от Иоанна:
11 Пришел к своим, и свои Его не приняли.
12 А тем, которые приняли Его, верующим во имя Его, дал власть быть чадами Божиими,
13 которые ни от крови, ни от хотения плоти, ни от хотения мужа, но от Бога родились.
14 И Слово стало плотию, и обитало с нами, полное благодати и истины; и мы видели славу Его, славу, как Единородного от Отца.
Матф. 8:17 да сбудется реченное через пророка Исаию, который говорит: Он взял на Себя наши немощи и понес болезни.
Ис. 53:1-5
1 Кто поверил слышанному от нас и кому открылась мышца Господня?
2 Ибо Он взошел пред Ним, как отпрыск и как росток из сухой земли; нет в Нем ни вида, ни величия; и мы видели Его, и не было в Нем вида, который привлекал бы нас к Нему.
3 Он был презрен и умален пред людьми, муж скорбей и изведавший болезни, и мы отвращали от Него лице свое; Он был презираем, и мы ни во что ставили Его.
4 Но Он взял на Себя наши немощи и понес наши болезни; а мы думали, [что] Он был поражаем, наказуем и уничижен Богом.
5 Но Он изъязвлен был за грехи наши и мучим за беззакония наши; наказание мира нашего [было] на Нем, и ранами Его мы исцелились.
Евангелие от Иоанна:
11 Пришел к своим, и свои Его не приняли.
12 А тем, которые приняли Его, верующим во имя Его, дал власть быть чадами Божиими,
13 которые ни от крови, ни от хотения плоти, ни от хотения мужа, но от Бога родились.
14 И Слово стало плотию, и обитало с нами, полное благодати и истины; и мы видели славу Его, славу, как Единородного от Отца.
1 Pet. 2:24 He himself bore our sins with his body on the tree, that we, having rid ourselves of sins, would live for righteousness: by his stripes you were healed.
Matt. 8:17 so that what is spoken through the prophet Isaiah will be fulfilled, which says: He took upon us our weaknesses and bore illnesses.
Is. 53: 1-5
1 Who believed in what was heard from us, and to whom was the muscle of the Lord revealed?
2 For He ascended before Him, as a child and as a sprout from dry earth; there is neither kind nor greatness in Him; and we saw Him, and there was no form in Him that would draw us to Him.
3 He was despised and dumb in front of people, a man of sorrows and acquainted with illnesses, and we turned our faces from him; He was despised, and we put Him in nothing.
4 But He took upon us our weaknesses and bore our diseases; and we thought [that] He was smite, punished, and humbled by God.
5 But he was wounded for our sins, and tormented for our iniquities; the punishment of our world [was] upon him, and by his stripes we were healed.
Gospel of John:
11 He came to his own, and his own did not receive him.
12 But to those who received him, those who believe in his name, he gave authority to be children of God,
13 which are neither from blood, nor from the will of the flesh, nor from the will of the husband, but were born of God.
14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt with us, full of grace and truth; and we saw His glory, glory, as the Only Begotten of the Father.
Matt. 8:17 so that what is spoken through the prophet Isaiah will be fulfilled, which says: He took upon us our weaknesses and bore illnesses.
Is. 53: 1-5
1 Who believed in what was heard from us, and to whom was the muscle of the Lord revealed?
2 For He ascended before Him, as a child and as a sprout from dry earth; there is neither kind nor greatness in Him; and we saw Him, and there was no form in Him that would draw us to Him.
3 He was despised and dumb in front of people, a man of sorrows and acquainted with illnesses, and we turned our faces from him; He was despised, and we put Him in nothing.
4 But He took upon us our weaknesses and bore our diseases; and we thought [that] He was smite, punished, and humbled by God.
5 But he was wounded for our sins, and tormented for our iniquities; the punishment of our world [was] upon him, and by his stripes we were healed.
Gospel of John:
11 He came to his own, and his own did not receive him.
12 But to those who received him, those who believe in his name, he gave authority to be children of God,
13 which are neither from blood, nor from the will of the flesh, nor from the will of the husband, but were born of God.
14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt with us, full of grace and truth; and we saw His glory, glory, as the Only Begotten of the Father.

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