"Деспотизм и ненависть к либерализму, которые движут континентальными...

"Деспотизм и ненависть к либерализму, которые движут континентальными правительствами, ..." - ничего не напоминает? :)

"The Daily News observed that there was no
doubt as to the crime being a political one. The
despotism and hatred of Liberalism which ani-
mated the Continental Governments had had the
effect of driving to our shores a number of men who
might have made excellent citizens were they not
soured by the recollection of all that they had un-
(Полный перевод: "Дэйли Ньюс отметила, что нет сомнений в том, что это преступление - политическое. Деспотизм и ненависть к либерализму, которые движут континентальными правительствами, привели к притоку к нашим берегам определенного количества людей, которые могли бы стать великолепными гражданами, не будь они испорчены воспоминаниями всего того, что им пришлось пережить.")

Цитата из "Приключений Шерлока Холмса", "A Study in Scarlet", 1887 год.

Нет, в мире все-таки ничего не меняется. В XXI веке газеты пишут в точности так же, как писали и в XIX веке.
“Despotism and hatred of liberalism, which are driven by continental governments, ...” reminds nothing? :)

"The Daily News observed that there was no
Preventing the crime of being a political one. The
despotism and hatred of Liberalism which ani-
mated the Continental Governments had the
shocks a number of men
might have been made
it was un-
dergone. "
(Full translation: The Daily News noted that there is no doubt that this crime is political. Despotism and hatred of liberalism, which are driven by continental governments, led to the influx of a number of people to our shores who could not be great citizens. be spoiled by the memories of everything they experienced. ")

A quote from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, 1887.

No, nothing changes in the world. In the 21st century, newspapers write exactly the same way as they did in the 19th century.
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