Little cute sunset. Oil on canvas, 6*8 cm....

Little cute sunset. Oil on canvas, 6*8 cm.
True to say I bought this little canvas because I was wondering if it is possible to draw something on such a small area????
This canvas has a bad quality - the oil dries in a few seconds on it!
Маленький закат на маленьком холсте размером 6*8 см. Масло.
Купила такой холстик из любопытства - попробовать, можно ли нарисовать на такой маленькой поверхности что-то интересное...????... ну, не разойтись, конечно, я вам скажу )))))))
Сам холст оказался не очень хорошего качества- масло высыхало за минуту!????
Little cute sunset. Oil on canvas, 6 * 8 cm.
True to say I’m wondering if I’ve won
This canvas has a bad quality - in oil in a few seconds on it!
A small sunset on a small canvas measuring 6 * 8 cm. Oil.
I bought such a canvas out of curiosity - try, can I draw something interesting on such a small surface ... ???? ... well, don't disperse, of course, I'll tell you))))))))
The canvas itself was not very good quality - the oil dried out in a minute! ????
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