Выходишь ночью и опасаешься не людей а гуляющих...

Выходишь ночью и опасаешься не людей а гуляющих птиц.
Если птица ходит по тротуару после захода солнца, у птицы и у тебя проблемы.

Если это молодая чайка скорее всего у неё ботулизм, ну или рыболовный крючок застрял. Если вовремя схватить и поставить капельницы пернатому, вероятность выздоровления очень высокая.

Эта чайка гуляла по парковке в 11 вечера, это уже был знак что сегодня в ванной я буду мыться не одна. У меня будет компания с птицей в коробке ????.

I find the biggest danger is not strangers outside at night, but a walking bird. If you see a walking bird ???? on the ground after a sunset, it definitely means that it’s in trouble.

I found another herring gull which is unable to fly. I don’t have x-ray vision, but I strongly suspect that this birdy has botulism.

Hopefully it will be ok after couple of days of fluid therapy.
You go out at night and are afraid not of people but of walking birds.
If the bird walks on the sidewalk after sunset, the bird and you are in trouble.

If this is a young seagull, most likely it has botulism, or the fish hook is stuck. If you grab and put droppers on time to a bird, the probability of recovery is very high.

This seagull was walking in the parking lot at 11 pm, it was already a sign that today in the bathroom I will not be alone. I will have a company with a bird in a box ????.

I find the biggest danger is not strangers outside at night, but a walking bird. If you see a walking bird ???? on the ground after a sunset, it definitely means that it's in trouble.

I found another herring gull which is unable to fly. I don’t have x-ray vision, but I strongly suspect that this birdy has botulism.

Hopefully it will be ok after couple of days of fluid therapy.
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