Back to my beautiful and stylish #Milan ❤️...

Back to my beautiful and stylish #Milan ❤️ For a person who pays a lot of attention to visual things as I am this city is a true eye candy???? Вернулась в свой прекрасный и стильный #Милан . Как же круто здесь одеваются люди! Может я не знаю о каких-то мероприятиях, которые сейчас проходят, но есть ощущение будто сегодня на улицах этого города одни модели и стилисты. #style #fashion #milano #nicecouple
Back to my beautiful and stylish #Milan ❤️ For a person who pays a lot of attention to visual things as I am this city is a true eye candy ???? Returned to my beautiful and stylish #Milan. How cool people dress here! Maybe I don't know about some of the events that are taking place now, but there is a feeling that today there are only models and stylists on the streets of this city. #style #fashion #milano #nicecouple
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