Сегодня, в День российского студенчества, в Смольном соборе состоялось торжественное вручением знаков Св. Татьяны. Знаков молодежной степени были удостоены Переселкина Виктория @pviktoriia (отв.секретарь #студсоветспб , менеджер отдела по делам молодежи #ПолитехПетра ) и Марюхта Артем @temamaryukhta (заместитель председателя профсоюзной организации студентов и аспирантов СПбПУ Петра Великого, председатель Совета обучающихся #ПолитехПетра ), знак наставнической степени получил Швецов Константин Владимирович. ВСЕХ ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ С ПРАЗДНИКОМ РОССИЙСКОГО СТУДЕНЧЕСТВА. #ПолитехПетра @ Смольный Собор
Today, on the Day of Russian students, in the Smolny Cathedral a solemn presentation of the signs of St. Tatiana took place. Signs of the youth degree were awarded to Pereselkina Victoria @pviktoriia (responsible secretary # studsovetspb, manager of the youth affairs department #Politech Petra) and Maryukhta Artem @temamaryukhta (deputy chairman of the trade union organization of graduate and graduate students of Peter-the-Great SPbPU, chairman of the Board of learners # Polytech Petra), sign on the sign of the graduate students of the SPbPU Peter the Great, chairman of the Council of learners # Polytech Peter, sign on the sign of the graduate students of the SPbPU Peter the Great, chairman of the Council of Learners # Polytech Peter, sign on the sign of the graduate students of the SPbPU Peter the Great, chairman of the Council of Learners # Polytech Peter, sign on the sign of the graduate students of SPbPU Peter the Great degree received Shvetsov Konstantin Vladimirovich. ALL CONGRATULATIONS ON THE HOLIDAY OF RUSSIAN STUDENTS. #Politech @ Smolny Cathedral
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