*• be gently to yourself cause you're doing...

*• be gently to yourself cause you're doing all the best •* хвалите себя, давайте себя отдых, разрешайте отойти от намеченного плана и просто подышите и выпейте кофе...мир не рухнет, а вы проведете вечер с улыбкой и легких сердцем ???? #vsco #vscolive #vscolove #inspiration #selfie #summer #moscow
* • be gently to yourself cause you're doing all the best • * praise yourself, let yourself rest, let go of the plan and just breathe and drink coffee ... the world will not collapse, and you will spend the evening with a smile and light heart ???? #vsco #vscolive #vscolove #inspiration #selfie #summer #moscow
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