*• last day in Berlin...for this trip •*...

*• last day in Berlin...for this trip •* Фух, провела последнюю съемку в Берлине. Выдохнула. Написала план и обалдела кажется мне предстоят веселые недели перед мониторчиком в Москве ???????? Но я всё равно счастлива и рада каждой встречи и съемке в Берлине ???? #vsco #vscophile #myautumnberlin #photographer #journey #travel #inspiration #selfie
* • last day in Berlin ... for this trip • * Fuh, carried out the last shooting in Berlin. I breathed out. I wrote a plan and I was stunned. It seems to me that there will be fun weeks in front of the monitor in Moscow ???????? But am I still happy and glad to see each other and shoot in Berlin ???? #vsco #vscophile #myautumnberlin #photographer #journey #travel #inspiration #selfie
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