Основная линия раскола среди вменяемях граждан в наши...

Основная линия раскола среди вменяемях граждан в наши дни, на мой взгляд, проходит по тому, считают ли они изначально Украину самостоятельно осмысленным государством, или нет.

На эту тему неплохо высказался не кто иной, как экс-президент независимой Чехии Вацлав Клаус:

"1. The Ukraine is in its present form into a great extent an artificial entity that did not turn into an independent state until the break-up of the Soviet Union two decades ago.

2. On one hand, it includes territories in the west that had never belonged to the Russian empire (Transcarpathian region, Galicia and others) and became part of Russia only after WW2, and on the other hand territories that were from the 18th century purely Russian (Crimea, Odessa, the Eastern part of the country), for which the independence of the Ukraine meant the extraction from their original nation.

3. A certain artificiality of this state and the different perceptions of its inhabitants when it came to its future orientation have paralyzed its political life from the very beginning. It was very visible also from Prague. Another thing was the unsuccessful transformation of the country, the burdensome heritage of communism, as well as the economic and political chaos of the last 20 years."

Основная линия раскола среди вменяемях граждан в наши дни, на мой взгляд, проходит по тому, считают ли они изначально Украину самостоятельно осмысленным государством, или нет.

На эту тему неплохо высказался не кто иной, как экс-президент независимой Чехии Вацлав Клаус:

"1. The Ukraine is in its present form into a great extent an artificial entity that did not turn into an independent state until the break-up of the Soviet Union two decades ago.

2. On one hand, it includes territories in the west that had never belonged to the Russian empire (Transcarpathian region, Galicia and others) and became part of Russia only after WW2, and on the other hand territories that were from the 18th century purely Russian (Crimea, Odessa, the Eastern part of the country), for which the independence of the Ukraine meant the extraction from their original nation.

3. A certain artificiality of this state and the different perceptions of its inhabitants when it came to its future orientation have paralyzed its political life from the very beginning. It was very visible also from Prague. Another thing was the unsuccessful transformation of the country, the burdensome heritage of communism, as well as the economic and political chaos of the last 20 years."

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