21st September 2019 - Dennis and Alexandra. Brullov's...

21st September 2019 - Dennis and Alexandra. Brullov's mansion, SPb
One of the most beautiful wedding venues I have ever hosted!!! It was love from the first glance and now I do believe in it!!! ❤????
Организация и координация: [id349291701|Наталья Конопельник]
Локация: [club3029676|Особняк Брюллова]
Фото: [id478727|Ричард Конвенсаров]
Тех поддержка: [id13743071|Андрей Гретченко]
Регистратор: [id2266392|Эльвира Захарова]

Не жалейте ❤ крутой команде и классной интернациональной семье!
21st September 2019 - Dennis and Alexandra. Brullov's mansion, SPb
One of the most beautiful wedding venues I have ever hosted !!! It was love from the first glance and now I do believe in it !!! ❤ ????
Organization and coordination: [id349291701 | Natalya Konopelnik]
Location: [club3029676 | Bryullov's mansion]
Photo: [id478727 | Richard Convensarov]
Tech support: [id13743071 | Andrey Gretchenko]
Registrar: [id2266392 | Elvira Zakharova]

Do not spare ❤ a cool team and a cool international family!
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