Вот уж не думала, что когда-нибудь с этим соглашусь. Особенно с пользой для меня от учебы в институте, например???? Но сейчас, когда веду бизнес- курс английского, впоминаю свое образование с благодарностью. Еще чуть- чуть и до щемящей ностальгии дойдет???? тьфу-тьфу, конечно????????????
Профильный предмет, кстати, "a major"
???? What's your major? - какой у тебя профильный предмет?
????To be worth doing sth- стоить того, чтобы....
This bag is very expensive but it's worth buying.
That was a fantastic concert. It was worth going????
Обратите внимание, что глагол стоит с окончанием -ing
#english_with_trainer #english #английскийязык
Вот уж не думала, что когда-нибудь с этим соглашусь. Особенно с пользой для меня от учебы в институте, например???? Но сейчас, когда веду бизнес- курс английского, впоминаю свое образование с благодарностью. Еще чуть- чуть и до щемящей ностальгии дойдет???? тьфу-тьфу, конечно????????????
Профильный предмет, кстати, "a major"
???? What's your major? - какой у тебя профильный предмет?
????To be worth doing sth- стоить того, чтобы....
This bag is very expensive but it's worth buying.
That was a fantastic concert. It was worth going????
Обратите внимание, что глагол стоит с окончанием -ing
#english_with_trainer #english #английскийязык
I really didn’t think that I would ever agree with that. Especially useful for me from studying at the institute, for example ???? But now, when I conduct a business English course, I recall my education with gratitude. A little more and to nagging nostalgia comes ???? pah-pah, of course ????????????
The subject, by the way, is "a major"
???? What's your major? - what is your profile subject?
???? To be worth doing sth- worth it ....
This bag is very expensive but it's worth buying.
That was a fantastic concert. It was worth going ????
Note that the verb ends with the ending -ing
#english_with_trainer #english # English
I really didn’t think that I would ever agree with that. Especially useful for me from studying at the institute, for example ???? But now, when I conduct a business English course, I recall my education with gratitude. A little more and to nagging nostalgia comes ???? pah-pah, of course ????????????
The subject, by the way, is "a major"
???? What's your major? - what is your profile subject?
???? To be worth doing sth- worth it ....
This bag is very expensive but it's worth buying.
That was a fantastic concert. It was worth going ????
Note that the verb ends with the ending -ing
#english_with_trainer #english # English

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