#Словоневоробей И еще немного о слове "mess".Очень уж...


И еще немного о слове "mess".Очень уж оно многогранное☺

Велик и могуч русский язык,но английский ему не уступает, вот несколько примеров????
Наломать дров - make a mess of things
Попасть впросак- To get oneself into a mess
Заварили кашу, нам и расхлебывать - we got ourselves into this mess, and it's up to us to get out of it
Запороть дело - make a mess of a job
Бардак- real mess

В общем, пусть слово mess не имеет никакого к вам отношения. Так-то????

#english_evolution #english #английскийязык

And a little more about the word "mess". Very much it is multifaceted☺

Great and powerful Russian, but English is not inferior to him, here are a few examples ????
Cut wood - make a mess of things
Gutting To To oneself into a mess
Brewed porridge, to us and to disentangle - we got ourselves into this mess, and it's up to us to get out of it
Tighten the deal - make a mess of a job
Mess - real mess

In general, let the word mess has nothing to do with you. So that????

#english_evolution #english # English
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