Сегодня задумался, есть ли хоть какое-нибудь статистически значимое...

Сегодня задумался, есть ли хоть какое-нибудь статистически значимое подтверждение астрологии. Естественно, я далеко не первый, кто интересуется и есть даже специальный сайт http://www.astrology-and-science.com/ в котором публикуют исследования на эту тему.

В частности, довольно распространенное поверье в совместимость знаков Зодиака не находит ни малейшего отражения в статистике браков и разводов (на самом деле исследований несколько - на основе переписи населения в Англии, Франции, Швейцарии), в одном из них размер выборки порядка 9млн - это очень много. Зато есть небольшой эффект от того, верят ли сами респонденты в астрологию или нет.

"Interestingly, sun sign self-attribution has a tiny effect size typically around 0.08, showing that some people have sufficient belief in sun signs to shift their self-image in the believed direction, albeit only slightly. So we might expect the same belief to lead such people to consider sun signs when picking a partner. That no effect can be detected even with enormous samples shows that their beliefs may shift their own self-image but not the actual behaviour of others. That is, even for them, the real world always prevails over astrology world."

Забавно, что наблюдалось аномально большое количество пар с одинаковыми знаками - в итоге оказалось, что в большинстве случаев дата рождения была вообще одинаковая. Они объясняют это тем, что люди часто вписывали свой день рождения за мужа-жену. Когда такие случаи отфильтровали, все оказалось в пределах случайностей.

Link: http://www.astrology-and-science.com/S-love2.htm
Today I wondered if there was at least some statistically significant confirmation of astrology. Naturally, I am not the first one who is interested and there is even a special site http://www.astrology-and-science.com/ in which studies on this topic are published.

In particular, a fairly widespread belief in the compatibility of the zodiac signs does not find the slightest reflection in the statistics of marriages and divorces (in fact, there are several studies based on the census in England, France, Switzerland), in one of them the sample size is about 9 million - this is very a lot of. But there is a small effect on whether the respondents themselves believe in astrology or not.

"Interestingly, sun sign self-attribution has a tiny effect size typically around 0.08, showing that some people have sufficient belief in sun signs to shift their self-image in the believed direction, albeit only slightly. So we might expect the same belief to lead such people to consider sun signs when picking a partner. That no effect can be detected even with enormous samples shows that their beliefs may shift their own self-image but not the actual behavior of others. That is, even for them, the real world always prevails over astrology world. "

It's funny that an abnormally large number of pairs with the same signs were observed - in the end it turned out that in most cases the date of birth was generally the same. They explain this by the fact that people often entered their birthday for a husband-wife. When such cases were filtered out, everything was within the bounds of chance.

Link: http://www.astrology-and-science.com/S-love2.htm
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