Свадьба в Сербии оказалась самой жаркой и самой шикарной, из тех, на которых мне посчастливилось присутствовать. Настоящая винодельня в городке Палич, живая музыка и плюс тридцать шести в тени. Wedding of @mileisakov in Palich is the hottest one in history. Winery, live music and +36 outside. My congratulations @ Vinarija Zvonko Bogdan
The wedding in Serbia turned out to be the hottest and most chic of those that I was lucky to attend. A real winery in the town of Palich, live music and plus thirty-six in the shade. Wedding of @mileisakov in Palich is the hottest one in history. Winery, live music and +36 outside. My congratulations @ Vinarija Zvonko Bogdan

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