Отправляю Валю обратно к вам в Петербург. Славно было зацепить хороших питерских шуток, отснять много нового материала и поделиться своей карибской рутиной. Валя не врун, но в Рио не был, это была наша шутка, но немногие догадались ???? Первое заседание клуба разбитых сердец считаю официально закрытым.
P.S. А ещё у Вали очень фотогеничное лицо и он похож на Леонова. Valya left today to SaintPetersburg it was super cool to share my routine here ,explore Dominican together and turn some ideas into reality. #friendswillbefriends #клубразбитыхсердецнавыезде #heartbrokenclubonthevacation @ Cabarete Beach [id38793|Valentin Shilnikov]
P.S. А ещё у Вали очень фотогеничное лицо и он похож на Леонова. Valya left today to SaintPetersburg it was super cool to share my routine here ,explore Dominican together and turn some ideas into reality. #friendswillbefriends #клубразбитыхсердецнавыезде #heartbrokenclubonthevacation @ Cabarete Beach [id38793|Valentin Shilnikov]
I am sending Valya back to you in Petersburg. It was nice to hook up good St. Petersburg jokes, shoot a lot of new material and share your Caribbean routine. Valya is not a liar, but he wasn’t in Rio, it was our joke, but few guessed ???? I consider the first meeting of the club of broken hearts to be officially closed.
P.S. Vali also has a very photogenic face and looks like Leonov. Valya left today to Saint Petersburg it was super cool to share my routine here, explore Dominican together and turn some ideas into reality. #friendswillbefriends #clubcrackedfirst club #heartbrokenclubonthevacation @ Cabarete Beach [id38793 | Valentin Shilnikov]
P.S. Vali also has a very photogenic face and looks like Leonov. Valya left today to Saint Petersburg it was super cool to share my routine here, explore Dominican together and turn some ideas into reality. #friendswillbefriends #clubcrackedfirst club #heartbrokenclubonthevacation @ Cabarete Beach [id38793 | Valentin Shilnikov]

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