Прекрасное завершение четверга! Так круто иметь бассейн в здании, где живешь) ну или где живут твои родители)/ Perfect day ends. So cool to have a pool in the building, even if it's not your building))) ????????????????☺️ #russianinny #russianinnewyork #nyc #iloveny #русскиевньюйорке #ньюйорк #мойньюйорк #бруклин @ New York, New York
Great ending Thursday! It's so cool to have a pool in the building where you live) or where your parents live) / Perfect day ends. So cool to have a pool in the building, even if it's not your building))) ???????????????? ☺️ #russianinny #russianinnewyork #nyc #iloveny #RussianNew New York #New York # brooklyn @ New York, New York

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