Уверенна, что многие девочки догадаются, что это за место. Кто же спускался по этим ступенькам каждый день, чтобы встретить мужчину мечты и рассказать нам про жизнь в Нью-Йорке? Да-да, это дом героини сериала Секс в большом городе Керри Бредшоу. Кто смотрел сериал, признавайтесь) / I think all girls would know who's lived in that building? Who descended the stair every day to meet a love and tell us about New York life? Yes! This is building where Carry from TV-show Sex and the city was lived. Who watched this TV-show? ???????????????????????????? ... #russianinnewyork #russianinny #newyork #manhettan #nyc #iloveny #sexandthecity #русскиевамерике #русскиевньюйорке #сша #мояамерика #ньюйорк #сексвбольшомгороде @ 66 Perry Street
I’m sure that many girls will guess what kind of place this is. Who went down these steps every day to meet the man of dreams and tell us about life in New York? Yes, yes, this is the home of the heroine of the series Sex and the City Kerry Bradshaw. Who watched the series, admit it) / I think all girls would know who's lived in that building? Who descended the stair every day to meet a love and tell us about New York life? Yes! This is building where Carry from TV-show Sex and the city was lived. Who watched this TV-show? ?????????????????????????????? ... #russianinnewyork #russianinny #newyork #manhettan #nyc #iloveny #sexandthecity #RussianVamerica #RussianNew New York #USA #My America #New York #sex in the big city @ 66 Perry Street

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