Все жалуются, что знают мало слов. Это все потому что вы пытаетесь выучить какие-то неприспособленные для жизни списки, и не видите даже те слова, которые у вас под носом всю жизнь. Вот, например, pedigree. Этот собачий корм знает каждая собака, извините за каламбур. А хоть кто-нибудь знает, что оно значит (существительное)?
Голосуйте, ответ - ниже.
1. генеалогия, родословная
2.а) происхождение
б) этимология слова
dogs with good pedigrees
She was proud of her long pedigree.
The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.
The champions really showed their pedigree today.
These ideas have a long and distinguished intellectual pedigree.
These trees have pedigrees stretching back thousands of years.
Голосуйте, ответ - ниже.
1. генеалогия, родословная
2.а) происхождение
б) этимология слова
dogs with good pedigrees
She was proud of her long pedigree.
The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.
The champions really showed their pedigree today.
These ideas have a long and distinguished intellectual pedigree.
These trees have pedigrees stretching back thousands of years.
Everyone complains that they know few words. This is all because you are trying to learn some unsuitable lists for life, and you don’t even see the words that have been under your nose all your life. Here, for example, pedigree. Every dog knows this dog food, sorry for the pun. Does anyone know what it means (noun)?
Vote, the answer is below.
1. genealogy, family tree
2.a) origin
b) the etymology of the word
dogs with good pedigrees
She was proud of her long pedigree.
The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.
The champions really showed their pedigree today.
These ideas have a long and distinguished intellectual pedigree.
These trees have pedigrees stretching back thousands of years.
Vote, the answer is below.
1. genealogy, family tree
2.a) origin
b) the etymology of the word
dogs with good pedigrees
She was proud of her long pedigree.
The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.
The champions really showed their pedigree today.
These ideas have a long and distinguished intellectual pedigree.
These trees have pedigrees stretching back thousands of years.

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