В Нью Йорке +16 и это отличный повод...

В Нью Йорке +16 и это отличный повод провести денек в Центральном парке. Погода просто чудесная. Греет солнышко и так приятно прогуливаться в его компании по такому красивому зеленому оазису. Парк очень милый, зеленый и полон разных настроений. Кто то лежит на траве, кто-то поет, играет, бежит, созерцает, обедает, идет, едет в карете или просто отдыхает на лавочке, все в гармонии с природой и с белочками) а их тут пока пруди.
Perfect warm weather and we enjoyed it in Central park today. This place is very beautiful, cute, each part is different. Some people are having picnics, others are playing, relaxing, listening, feeding squirrels, running. It's so different here.
#centralpark #ny #nyc #beauty #parque
In New York, +16 and this is a great reason to spend a day in Central Park. The weather is just wonderful. The sun warms and it is so pleasant to walk in his company along such a beautiful green oasis. The park is very cute, green and full of different moods. Someone is lying on the grass, someone is singing, playing, running, contemplating, having lunch, walking, riding in a carriage or just resting on a bench, all in harmony with nature and with squirrels) and there are a lot of them here.
Perfect warm weather and we enjoyed it in Central park today. This place is very beautiful, cute, each part is different. Some people are having picnics, others are playing, relaxing, listening, feeding squirrels, running. It's so different here.
#centralpark #ny #nyc #beauty #parque
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