Speaking in Europe Thursday, Clinton stood by her...

Speaking in Europe Thursday, Clinton stood by her comments, while recognizing the value the United States places on its relationship with Russia and the "real progress" made in a number of areas.
But, she added: "At the same time, the U.S. and others have a strong commitment to democracy and human rights, it's part of who we are, our values, and we expressed concerns we thought were well-founded about the conduct of the elections and we are supportive of the rights of the Russian people to realize a better future for themselves."
Краткий перевод:
Х. Клинтон очень довольна прогрессом русско-американсих отношений в последнее время, но в то же время демократия у американцев в крови, поэтому они не могут без слез смотреть на наши выборы и "поддерживают право русских людей на светлое будущее".
Speaking in Europe Thursday, Clinton stood by her comments, while recognizing the value the United States places on its relationship with Russia and the "real progress" made in a number of areas.
But, she added: "At the same time, the U.S. and others have a strong commitment to democracy and human rights, it's part of who we are, our values, and we expressed concerns we thought were well-founded about the conduct of the elections and we are supportive of the rights of the Russian people to realize a better future for themselves."
Краткий перевод:
Х. Клинтон очень довольна прогрессом русско-американсих отношений в последнее время, но в то же время демократия у американцев в крови, поэтому они не могут без слез смотреть на наши выборы и "поддерживают право русских людей на светлое будущее".
У записи 1 лайков,
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Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Александр Санковский

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