В английском языке есть предложение, которое используют для...

В английском языке есть предложение, которое используют для демонстрации возможной лексической неопределённости: ‘James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher’. Несмотря на кажущуюся бессмыслицу, оно грамматически верно, если расставить нужные знаки препинания: ‘James, while John had had «had», had had «had had»; «had had» had had a better effect on the teacher’. Перевести его на русский язык можно примерно так: «В то время, как Джон использовал ‘had’, Джеймс использовал ‘had had’; учитель предпочёл ‘had had’».
Или вот: существует корректное предложение из 8 одинаковых слов подряд и без знаков препинания: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Перевести его можно так: «Бизоны из Баффало, напуганные другими бизонами из Баффало, пугают бизонов из Баффало».
There is a sentence in English that is used to demonstrate possible lexical ambiguity: ‘James while John had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher’. Despite seeming nonsense, it is grammatically correct, if you place the necessary punctuation marks: ‘James, while John had had“ had ”, had had“ had had ”; "Had had" had a better effect on the teacher ’. It can be translated into Russian like this: “At the time John used had’, James used had had ’; the teacher chose ‘had had’.
Or here: there is a correct sentence of 8 identical words in a row and without punctuation: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. You can translate it like this: "Buffalo buffaloes, frightened by other buffalo buffaloes, scare the buffalo buffaloes."
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